LaHaV provides content, technology, and training to transform Jewish learning and teaching in schools and communities throughout the world.

LaHaV's curricula communicate enduring values and build essential skills that will engage your students in Jewish learning
LEARN MOREInnovative
LaHaV's educational technology allows educators to create, connect, and share materials with other teachers across the world.

You are not alone - LaHaV provides professional development and educational resources to schools and educators in the US, Israel and Australia
LEARN MOREToday’s high school student often struggles to recognize the relevance of Torah learning to modern daily life.
Click here to learn how we’re transforming Torah learning
OUR CURRICULUMWe’ve digitized the Jastrow Dictionary to provide the web’s first fully searchable version of this essential tool for Gemara learning.
Start learning today with LaHaV.
For Teachers, By Teachers.
LaHaV was built by educators from the bottom up in response to the needs and realities of the classroom.
"The teacher's guides are an incredible resource that allow me to feel like I am creating my own class while giving me structure and guidance to build off of."
Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg, Shalhevet High School

"My relationship to Torah has grown tremendously because LaHav fueled a desire within me to search for the reasoning and process behind every halakhic issue."
Mati Hurwitz, '15, Yeshivat Har Etzion